Saturday, August 6, 2011

Updates on Kauri and Lars

Kauri is now home from the hospital. She came home on Thursday and was able to make it to Gabe Hanson's funeral. She is at home and doing well. She is not on a feeding tube anymore she is getting feed through a PC line. Her food is in a backpack that everyone wants to carry for her but Kauri always says that she can do it and so she carries her own backpack. Even with those back injuries she has or had.

Lars is still in the hospital but is now in his own room. He was on a chest tube for the punctured lung he had. They took out the chest tube yesterday and had to do another chest x-ray 6 hours later to see if they needed to re-insert the chest tube. That x-ray went well and he no longer needs the chest tube. He is still on his oxygen, but they are hoping to be able to wing him off of it. With him being a swimmer he will recovery faster then normal because of his healthy lungs thanks to swimming!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This goes out to Kauri, Lars, Gabe, Hanson family, Crystal and Scott Snow, Davi Burbidge, Katie Moyes

There were 7 youth in my ward that were in a terrible car accident. 1 died and 2 were in critical condition. The driver had a hurt arm and the other three were perfectly fine. 

Gabe Hanson (15) lost his life July 30th, 2011 @ 7:07 p.m. He died as soon as he hit the ground or the lord took him right before he hit. After Gabe was thrown out the car Lars and Kauri were ejected next.

Lars has a punctured lung, hurt knee, and is on oxygen to help him breathe better. He is doing a lot better.
Kauri has a fractured wrist and fractures in her back. She is up sitting and doing super well.
Katie the driver who hurt her arm is at home and doing great. The took an x-ray of her arm and said it was broken. Later that day she got a priesthood blessing and went in for another x-ray. This time it was not broken. The blessing helped heal her arm. 

Crystal, Scott, Davi are the three that were perfectly fine.They were buckled up and got out of the car as son as the car landed on its wheels. Scott ran over to Gabe and Scott then took off his shirt and wrapped it around Gabe's head to help and try to stop the bleeding. He then ran over to Lars. Lars was not responding at that time. Scott then slapped him and made him vomit. He then went back to Gabe and attempted to start CPR!! He tried super hard but he knew it was to late to try to save him. Gabe was already gone. 

Lars was life flighted to McKay Dee Hospital in Odgen. Kauri was also life flighted but to Primary Childrens Hospital. Katie, Scott, Crystal, and Davi were rushed in ambulances to McKay Dee Hospital. They were all sent home that night at 12 in the morning.

They are all doing fine and Kauri should be able to come home tomorrow or this week.
Lars will be in the hospital for a bit longer. 

Keep them and their families in your prayers and thoughts.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

First Day of Junior High (7th Grade)

My first day of school outfit and backpack
arent i so cute?
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Super Hero Day and Blast to the Past

Farmington Junior High had a red ribbon week
for one of the days that had a super hero day.
I was Superwomen with an awesome cape

Here I am already to go save the world
from all the horrible things
that go on

For another day of red ribbon week they
had a "blast to the past" day.
I was an 80's girl.
My hair was too short to be pulled up in a side
pony and crimped
but i still was from the 80's!!!

My sister and Me
all dressed up for "blast to the past"
We were both 80's girls
Charlies Angels
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Halloween 2009

My friend Kristen and I at our ward
Me: Ninja Princess
Kristen: Mummy

Me at my ward TRUNK-OR-TREAT!!!
Yes I was a princess, but not just an ordinary
one....I was a....wait for it wait for it...

A princess Can still be a teacher and do normal things
even if you are not just an ordinary princess

Yes, thats me, in my office chair
ok fine, it isnt really my office chair
its my DAD'S!!
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

my favorite cereal!!


honey smacks!! my favorite cereal!!! and its not healthy!!! 15g of SUGAR!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Summer with Cousin Kylee

My cousin Kylee as a nerd with the 3-D glasses
and the lenses punched out

even more of a nerd with her awesome
grandpa pants

Sam, Sarah, Kylee all with their lovely glasses

Adam, Sam, Sarah, and Kylee all doing Charlie Angels
I love how adam is all smilling and we are all so serious
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Happy 38th Birthday to my mom

My cousin Kylee lit the candles for my mommy.
I see that tongue of concentration!!!

My mom and her cake all lit up

My mommy cutting her own cake
man that looks good

My cousin Kylee enjoying some of the cake
It sure was good
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Just Random pics

Kristen Clark and Sarah Hellewell dressed up
as random princess one day and walked
down the street in those costumes!!

Sarah on Christmas. Her younger brother
Adam took the picture on
his Ipod Touch
4th Generation

Sam and Sarah on the day of their wards
trunk-or-treat. Sam had a band concert
so she didnt go but she said she was dressed
up as a musician or a princess in black and white

This picture confused me... it says milk on it so
i know that it is milk but is it strawberry
milk cause it is pink
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Friday, May 6, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011



awesome socks at payless... great place!!



what i just so happened to find on my bathroom counter!!



yes... my bangs are super long! i am so going to get them cut!!



drawstring bag i made in sewing class at school!! 2011



the crazy things that 2 blondes can do

my geeky brother


my brother is a geek... always on the computer doing something geeky!! i love him though!!

waiting and waiting


me and my daddy!! we are such cool people!! <3

Do they really?

Do some people really have to scare little kids with a scary easter bunny!!
This poor kid was tortured having to go sit on the easter bunnies lap!!

I do have to admit though, i would be scared to go sit on his lap...and i am what....a teenager!!!


The easter bunny can scare teenagers too...

We were at our annual neighborhood easter egg hunt!! All of the teenagers cant hunt so we had to wait for all the little kids to finish. Some of the little kids had finished real soon. All of a sudden the easter bunny came. He was really scary looking and had an ugly vest and bow tie on!

YES! my friend and I are terrified of the easter bunny! I am surprised that none of the little kids were screaming and crying!!! Our neighbor had asked us if we wanted a picture with the easter bunny and of course we said no!
He then asked "why? are you scared of the easter bunny" and we did end up saying "yes, he is terrifying"

So now there are some teenagers that are scared of the easter bunny!!! haha!!

We WANT to KEEP little kids BELIEVING in the EASTER BUNNY for a VERY LONG time, so please dont spoil it for anyone!!! THANKS A LOT!!!

Marshmallows... Yummy

Who knew people could be afraid of marshmallows!!! My friend Melanie is now afraid of them cause there is JELLINTON in them..or however you spell that!!!

We were running up and down the halls of our school after school while eating marshmallows!! (Super duper fun, you should try it) Then a teacher told us that marshmallows had JELLINTON (spelling?) in them!! It scared the crap of Melanie!!! She said we had to stop eating them cause they could give us a disease!!!

Can marshmallows give you a disease???!!

I dont think so but lets leave that to the scientists to figure out!!

Enjoy marshmallows and dont be afraid of them!!!