Saturday, August 6, 2011

Updates on Kauri and Lars

Kauri is now home from the hospital. She came home on Thursday and was able to make it to Gabe Hanson's funeral. She is at home and doing well. She is not on a feeding tube anymore she is getting feed through a PC line. Her food is in a backpack that everyone wants to carry for her but Kauri always says that she can do it and so she carries her own backpack. Even with those back injuries she has or had.

Lars is still in the hospital but is now in his own room. He was on a chest tube for the punctured lung he had. They took out the chest tube yesterday and had to do another chest x-ray 6 hours later to see if they needed to re-insert the chest tube. That x-ray went well and he no longer needs the chest tube. He is still on his oxygen, but they are hoping to be able to wing him off of it. With him being a swimmer he will recovery faster then normal because of his healthy lungs thanks to swimming!!

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