Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This goes out to Kauri, Lars, Gabe, Hanson family, Crystal and Scott Snow, Davi Burbidge, Katie Moyes

There were 7 youth in my ward that were in a terrible car accident. 1 died and 2 were in critical condition. The driver had a hurt arm and the other three were perfectly fine. 

Gabe Hanson (15) lost his life July 30th, 2011 @ 7:07 p.m. He died as soon as he hit the ground or the lord took him right before he hit. After Gabe was thrown out the car Lars and Kauri were ejected next.

Lars has a punctured lung, hurt knee, and is on oxygen to help him breathe better. He is doing a lot better.
Kauri has a fractured wrist and fractures in her back. She is up sitting and doing super well.
Katie the driver who hurt her arm is at home and doing great. The took an x-ray of her arm and said it was broken. Later that day she got a priesthood blessing and went in for another x-ray. This time it was not broken. The blessing helped heal her arm. 

Crystal, Scott, Davi are the three that were perfectly fine.They were buckled up and got out of the car as son as the car landed on its wheels. Scott ran over to Gabe and Scott then took off his shirt and wrapped it around Gabe's head to help and try to stop the bleeding. He then ran over to Lars. Lars was not responding at that time. Scott then slapped him and made him vomit. He then went back to Gabe and attempted to start CPR!! He tried super hard but he knew it was to late to try to save him. Gabe was already gone. 

Lars was life flighted to McKay Dee Hospital in Odgen. Kauri was also life flighted but to Primary Childrens Hospital. Katie, Scott, Crystal, and Davi were rushed in ambulances to McKay Dee Hospital. They were all sent home that night at 12 in the morning.

They are all doing fine and Kauri should be able to come home tomorrow or this week.
Lars will be in the hospital for a bit longer. 

Keep them and their families in your prayers and thoughts.

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