Monday, May 2, 2011

The easter bunny can scare teenagers too...

We were at our annual neighborhood easter egg hunt!! All of the teenagers cant hunt so we had to wait for all the little kids to finish. Some of the little kids had finished real soon. All of a sudden the easter bunny came. He was really scary looking and had an ugly vest and bow tie on!

YES! my friend and I are terrified of the easter bunny! I am surprised that none of the little kids were screaming and crying!!! Our neighbor had asked us if we wanted a picture with the easter bunny and of course we said no!
He then asked "why? are you scared of the easter bunny" and we did end up saying "yes, he is terrifying"

So now there are some teenagers that are scared of the easter bunny!!! haha!!

We WANT to KEEP little kids BELIEVING in the EASTER BUNNY for a VERY LONG time, so please dont spoil it for anyone!!! THANKS A LOT!!!

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