Saturday, July 9, 2011

First Day of Junior High (7th Grade)

My first day of school outfit and backpack
arent i so cute?
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Super Hero Day and Blast to the Past

Farmington Junior High had a red ribbon week
for one of the days that had a super hero day.
I was Superwomen with an awesome cape

Here I am already to go save the world
from all the horrible things
that go on

For another day of red ribbon week they
had a "blast to the past" day.
I was an 80's girl.
My hair was too short to be pulled up in a side
pony and crimped
but i still was from the 80's!!!

My sister and Me
all dressed up for "blast to the past"
We were both 80's girls
Charlies Angels
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Halloween 2009

My friend Kristen and I at our ward
Me: Ninja Princess
Kristen: Mummy

Me at my ward TRUNK-OR-TREAT!!!
Yes I was a princess, but not just an ordinary
one....I was a....wait for it wait for it...

A princess Can still be a teacher and do normal things
even if you are not just an ordinary princess

Yes, thats me, in my office chair
ok fine, it isnt really my office chair
its my DAD'S!!
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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

my favorite cereal!!


honey smacks!! my favorite cereal!!! and its not healthy!!! 15g of SUGAR!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Summer with Cousin Kylee

My cousin Kylee as a nerd with the 3-D glasses
and the lenses punched out

even more of a nerd with her awesome
grandpa pants

Sam, Sarah, Kylee all with their lovely glasses

Adam, Sam, Sarah, and Kylee all doing Charlie Angels
I love how adam is all smilling and we are all so serious
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Happy 38th Birthday to my mom

My cousin Kylee lit the candles for my mommy.
I see that tongue of concentration!!!

My mom and her cake all lit up

My mommy cutting her own cake
man that looks good

My cousin Kylee enjoying some of the cake
It sure was good
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Just Random pics

Kristen Clark and Sarah Hellewell dressed up
as random princess one day and walked
down the street in those costumes!!

Sarah on Christmas. Her younger brother
Adam took the picture on
his Ipod Touch
4th Generation

Sam and Sarah on the day of their wards
trunk-or-treat. Sam had a band concert
so she didnt go but she said she was dressed
up as a musician or a princess in black and white

This picture confused me... it says milk on it so
i know that it is milk but is it strawberry
milk cause it is pink
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